Brian Eno and David Byrne – The Jezebel Spirit

Do you hear voices?
You do, so you are possessed
You are a believer, born again
And yet you hear voices and you are possessed
Okay, are you ready to give us a listen?

Put your hand over there
Okay sister, you have a Jezebel spirit within you?
You have a spirit of grief
You have a spirit of destruction

Jezebel, spirit of destruction, spirit of grief
I bind you with chains of iron
I bind you out of that bounded heaven
Loosen your hold and come out of her now

It’s no good our sister, out, out, Jezebel
Come out now, go ahead, out in the name of Jesus
Come out destruction, come out destruction
Come out grief

Jezebel, you are going to listen to me, Jezebel
Go ahead sister, keep going, Jezebel will abandon you